Sandrine Pavoine
R package adiv
I created an R package on the analysis of diversity. It is called adiv.
You can find it here: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/adiv/index.html
An article that introduces the package is available here: https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13430
This package includes functions, data sets and examples for the calculation of various indices of biodiversity including species, functional and phylogenetic diversity and indices of phylogenetic and functional originality. Part of the diversity indices are expressed in terms of equivalent numbers of species. adiv also provides ways to partition biodiversity across spatial or temporal scales (alpha, beta, gamma diversities). In addition to the quantification of biodiversity, ordination approaches are available which rely on diversity indices and allow the detailed identification of species, functional or phylogenetic differences between communities.
The package includes the scripts I made available in electronic appendixes of my papers from 2005 to present. These scripts are in adiv updated for the most recent version of R.
I developed this package to make it grow and evolve over time and research.