Sandrine Pavoine
CoMaC Members (2017-2023)
Sandrine Pavoine
Head of the group. Professor, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France
Scientific advisor for the French Center of Biodiversity Data.
Colin Fontaine
Researcher, CNRS, Paris, France. Adjunt director (2020-) of the Center of Ecology and Conservation Sciences http://cesco.mnhn.fr/en
Isabelle Le Viol
Associate Professor, National Museum of Natural History, Concarneau, France.
Maud Mouchet
Associate Professor, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France.
Emmanuelle Porcher
Professor, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France. Adjunt director (2017-2019) and director (2020-) of the Center of Ecology and Conservation Sciences http://cesco.mnhn.fr/en
Luc Barbaro
Research associate, CR INRA, Toulouse, France.
Jérémy Froidevaux
Research associate (2021-2024), Leverhulme Research Fellowship at the University of Stirling, U.K. Research study: “From bats to bees: effects of artificial electromagnetic fields on biodiversity”.
Post-doctoral researcher (2020-2021), funded by SAD Bretagne. Supervisors: Isabelle Le Viol (CoMaC group) and Christian Kerbiriou (CORPO group, CESCO), Concarneau, France. Research project: Modelling bat activity at the regional scale to predict areas of potential conflict with wind energy development .
Karine Princé
Post-doctoral researcher (2018-2021), funded by ANR VGI4Bio. Supervisor: R. Julliard (CESCO MNHN, Paris, France). Research project: Developing biodiversity indicators using opportunistic data.
Research associate (2022-2023).
Solène Agnoux
PhD student (2023-2026). Supervisors: E Porcher (CoMaC group), Jonathan Flandin (Regional Biodiversity Agency), Gabrielle Martin (Toulouse University). Research project: Changes in the flora of Île-de-France: role of land use changes, climate change, and consequences for plant/pollinator interactions.
Elisa Alonso Aller
Post-doctoral researcher (2019-2021). Supervisors: Isabelle Le Viol (CoMaC group) and Christian Kerbiriou (CESCO MNHN), Concarneau, France. Research project: Analysis of ecological data collected within the project “Plages Vivantes” to study the spatial and temporal variability of seaweed composition of beach wrack and assess whether beach wrack monitoring could produce relevant indicators of marine proximal ecosystems.
Morgane Amelot
PhD student (2022-2025). Supervisors: M. Mouchet (CoMaC group), Dorothée Kopp & Marianne Robert (IFREMER, Lorient). Research project: Present and future functional and trophic dynamics of communities in the Celtic Sea.
Helwan Arezki
PhD student (2023). Supervisors: J. Pétillon (U. Rennes), S. Pavoine (CoMaC group). Research project: Multi-scale factors driving the facets of diversity in terrestrial arthropods within the Armorican Massif.
Yves Bas
Post-doctoral researcher (2018-2019). Supervisors: Isabelle Le Viol (CoMaC group) and Christian Kerbiriou (CESCO MNHN), Concarneau, France. Research project: Modelling acoustic phenology of bats, birds and bush-crickets to assess the congruence in biodiversity responses to climate anomalies.
Kévin Barré
Post-doctoral researcher (2021-2023). Supervisors: Isabelle Le Viol (CoMaC group) and Christian Kerbiriou (CESCO MNHN), Concarneau, France. Research project: Wind turbines and bats. Post-doctoral researcher (2018-2019), funded by ITTECOP. Supervisors: Isabelle Le Viol (CoMaC group) and Christian Kerbiriou (CESCO MNHN), Concarneau, France. Research project: How to limit the ecological impacts of artificial night lighting along ILTe? Characterization of the influence of LED light parameters on the movements of bats.
Olivier Billaud
PhD student (2018-2021). Supervisors: E Porcher, E Maclouf (team TEEN, CESCO), R-L Preud’Homme (VigieNature). Research project: Participation in citizen science programs, the tool to better understand the dynamics of biodiversity in agriculture, and the driver of change in practices?
Germain Broussarie
Post-doctoral researcher (2021-2022), Supervisors: Maud Mouchet (CoMaC group), Dorothée Kopp and Marie Morfin (IFREMER). Research project: PACMAN: an integrative approach (spatial marine planning) for a sustainable exploitation of the Grande Vasière (Bay of Biscay): biodiversity, habitat vulnerability, ecosystem services and anthropogenic activities.
Milena Cairo
Mission leader (2019-2021). Supervisors: Emmanuelle Porcher, Colin Fontaine (CoMac group), Frédéric Jiguet (CORPO group, CESCO). Mission: identification of the potential effects of phytopharmaceutical products on biodiversity.
PhD student (2021-2024). Funding: ANR, VITIBIRD project. Supervisors: F Angelier (CEBC) and C Fontaine, E Porcher (CoMaC group). Research project: Avian biodiversity and population trends in vineyards: What are the impacts of farming practices and pesticide contamination on avian populations.
Ludovic Crochard
Post-doctoral researcher (2023) & PhD student (2019-2022). Supervisors: C. Fontaine (CoMaC group), R Julliard (team PAC-BIODIV, CESCO). Research project: Interaction plants-polinators in agricultural landscape.
Alain Danet
Post-doctoral researcher (2018-2021), funded by ANR ECOSTAB. Supervisors: Maud Mouchet, Colin Fontaine (CoMaC group), Elisa Thebault (IEES Paris), Paris, France. Research project: Relationships between anthropic perturbations, trophic structures and stability of natural communities at large spatial scales.
Nicolas Deguines
Post-doctoral researcher (2020-2021). Supervisors: Emmanuelle Porcher, Colin Fontaine (CoMac group), Frédéric Jiguet (CORPO group). Research project: identification of the potential effects of phytopharmaceutical products on biodiversity.
Nicolas is an ecologist investigating how global changes (land-use modifications, anthropogenic activities, climate) affect the functioning of biological diversity.
Keywords: Agriculture, Citizen science, Conservation biology, Ecosystem services, Pollination, Urbanization
Juliette Delavenne
Post-doctoral researcher (Sept. 2017 - Sept. 2018) funded by labex BCDiv. Supervisors: S. Samadi (ISYEB MNHN), B Leroy (BOREA MNHN) and Maud Mouchet (CoMaC group). Paris, France. Research project: Promote natural history collections and naturalistic expeditions for the conservation and management of deep environments. The unique case of Tropical Deep-sea Benthos.
< >http://isyeb.mnhn.fr/annuaire-et-pages-personnelles/pages-personnelles/DELAVENNE-Juliettehttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juliette_Delavennehttps://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=v_1vzzIAAAAJ&hl=en
Isabelle Deregnaucourt
PhD student, funded by Sorbonne Universités. Supervisors: L Villier (UMR7207 CR2P), R Julliard (TEEN group, CESCO), Paris, France. Research project: Analysis of the disparity of the shapes of dragonfly wings in the paleocene and the current environmental gradients in the French metropolis in order to compare the response of this measure of biodiversity to different past and present crises
Maël Doré
PhD student (2019-2022). Supervisors: C. Fontaine (CoMaC group), Marianne Elias (CNRS-MNHN). Research project: Evolution and conservation of mimetic butterflies (Ithomines)
Nicolas Dubos
Post-doctoral researcher (2019). Supervisor: Yves Bas. Research project: Analysis of the power of bat monitoring protocols and the sensitivity of indicators to spatio-temporal context.
François Duchenne
PhD student (2017-2020), funded by the French ministry of ecological and solidarity transition. Supervisors: C Fontaine (CoMaC group), C Daugeron (MECADEV MNHN), E Thébault (iEES), Paris, France. Research project: Impact of global climate change and the role of phenology in the structure of ecological networks
Clémentine Durand-Bessart
PhD student (2018-2021). Supervisors: F Bretagnolle (Univ. Dijon), C Fontaine (CoMaC group). Research project: Analysis of the structuring of fruit-tree mutualist networks of African tropical forests and the consequences of defaunation on their structure.
Elie Gaget
was a PhD student, funded by Tour du Valat and ED227. He successfully defended his thesis in de. 2018. Congratulations Elie! Supervisors: T Galewski (Tour du Valat, Arles, France) F Jiguet (CESCO, Paris, France) and I Le Viol (CoMaC group). Paris, France. Research project: Dynamics of communities and human pressures: the case of bird communities wintering in wetlands of the Mediterranean basin.
Thibault Gandara
PhD student (2022-2025). Supervisors: E Porcher (CoMaC group), Alice Michelot-Antalik (Lorraine University), Antoine Gardarin (Agronomy, AgroParisTech). Research project: Evaluation of the pollination service in territories with reduced pesticide use and interaction with the pest control service.
Anna Kondratyeva
PhD student (2016-2019), funded by labex BCDiv. Supervisors: S Pavoine (CoMaC group), P Grandcolas (ISYEB, Paris, France). Research project: The measurement of functional and phylogenetic originalities in ecology.
Alexis Laforge
Post-doctoral researcher (2021-2022), funded by RTE (Réseau de Transport d’Électricité). Supervisors: Christian Kerbiriou (CORPO group, CESCO), Yves Bas (CESCO, MNHN) and Lisa Garnier (RTE, Paris). Research project: Effects of alternative management of vegetation in forest rights-of-way and electricity transmission network substations on biodiversity.
· https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alexis-Laforge
· https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dD6h4ksAAAAJ&hl=en
Gaël Lavialle
Research engineer (2021). Supervisors: Maud Mouchet (CoMaC group), Dorothée Kopp and Marie Morfin (IFREMER). Research project: PACMAN: an integrative approach (spatial marine planning) for a sustainable exploitation of the Grande Vasière (Bay of Biscay): biodiversity, habitat vulnerability, ecosystem services and anthropogenic activities.
Gaëlle Legras
Post-doctoral researcher, funded by ANR ECOSTAB. Supervisors: Isabelle LeViol (CoMaC group), Christian Kerbiriou (CORPO group, CESCO), Paris, France. Research project: Indicators of community sensitivity to light pollution.
Benjamin Lejeune
Post-doctoral researcher (2020-2022). Supervisors: Maud Mouchet (CoMac group), Dorothée Kopp (IFREMER). Research project: The fate of fishing discards and their place in the food web.
Sarah Lemétayer
Project manager (2022-2023). Supervisors: Mathilde Baude (IEES Paris), E. Porcher (CoMac group). Research project: build a database of plant resources for pollinators, in collaboration with ITSAP.
Cristina Llopis-Belenguer
International scholarship; Sep. - Nov. 2017; Scholarship supervisor: S Pavoine (CoMaC group); PhD supervisors: Dr. Juan Antonio Balbuena, Dr. lsabel Blasco-Costa. The objective of the scholarship was to analyze the functional diversity of helminth parasites of three phylogenetically close fish species. The scholarship was funded by the Valencian Government, Spain.
Claire Lorel
PhD student, funded by DIM ASTREA. She successfully defended her thesis in nov. 2018. Congratulations Claire! Supervisors: I Le Viol, M Mouchet, E Porcher (CoMaC group). Research project: Reconciling urban and agricultural development with the conservation of biodiversity: anticipating the footprint of human activities on biodiversity through a functional and multi-trophic approach.
Laurène Mérillet
PhD student (2017-2020), funded by IFREMER and ED227. Supervisors: M Mouchet, S Pavoine (CoMaC group), D Kopp and M Robert (IFREMER). Research project: Integrate functional and trophic approaches for better management of exploited ecosystems in the Celtic Sea.
Anne-Christine Monnet
Post-doctoral researcher (2022-2023). Supervisors: Emmanuelle Porcher, Colin Fontaine (CoMac group), Frédéric Jiguet (CORPO group). Research project: identification of the potential effects of phytopharmaceutical products on biodiversity.
Louis Manceron
Data analyst (2023). supervisor: Colin Fontaine (CoMaC group). Subject: development of an automatic identification algorithm based on spipoll photos.
Jean Nabias
PhD student (2021-2024). Funding: OFB, ANRT, LPO. Supervisors: E Porcher & L Barbaro (CoMaC Group), Romain Lorrillière (CESCO), Benoit Fontaine (CESCO), Jérémy Dupuy (LPO), Laurent Couzi (LPO). Research project: Using Citizen Science to estimate bird populations in France.
Théophile Olivier
PhD student (2016-2019), funded by Chaire MMB. Supervisors: E Porcher (CoMaC group), C Giraud (Ecole Polytechnique, Université Paris Sud, Orsay-Saclay France). Research project: Role of synchrony in the relationship diversity-stability of natural communities: spatio-temporal approaches.
Jonathan Richir
Post-doctoral researcher (2021-2022) funded by MNHN-OFB-Life Marha. Supervisors: Isabelle Le Viol (CoMac group), Christian Kerbiriou (équipe CORPO du CESCO). Research project: Biodiversity indicators for mid-littoral boulder fields.
Marine Robuchon
Post-doctoral researcher (2017-2019), funded by labex BCDiv. Supervisors: S Pavoine (CoMaC group), B Leroy (BOREA MNHN). Paris, France. Research project: Study of new international biodiversity indicators based on phylogenetic originality and the probability of extinction of species.
Charlotte Roemer
Post-doctoral researcher (2021-2023), funded by Office Français de la Biodiversité. Supervisor: Christian Kerbiriou (CESCO MNHN). Research project: Bat migration routes in Europe.
Abdelhak Rouabah
Post-doctoral researcher (2023). Supervisors: Florence Matutini & Julie Marmet. Research project: how agricultural practices and landscape management at different spatial and temporal scales affect bat populations and their ability to provide pest biological control within agricultural landscapes.
Martin Thibault
Post-doctoral researcher (2021-2023). Supervisor: Isabelle Le Viol (CoMaC group), Concarneau, France. Research project: As part of the "Plages Vivantes" citizen science initiative, the ALAMER project aims to make the most of beach wrack macrophytes as indicators of coastal benthic habitat composition and quality.
Clément Vallé
Teaching and research assistant (2023), PhD student (2020-2023). Supervisors: Isabelle Le Viol (CoMaC group), Frédéric Jiguet (CORPO group, CESCO). Research project: Adapting and developing new biodiversity indicators from improved Joint Species Distribution Models (JSDM).
Simon Véron
was post-doctoral researcher (2017-2019), funded by labex BCDiv. Supervisors: T Haevermans & R Pellens (ISYEB MNHN) and M Mouchet (CoMaC group). Paris, France. Research project: Global patterns of phylogenetic and functional diversity in terrestrial plants.
Fabien Verniest
Postdoctorant (2023), PhD student (2019-2022). Supervisors: Isabelle Le Viol (CoMaC group), Thomas Galewski (Tour du valat), Romain Julliard (TEEN group, CESCO). Research project: Adapting protected areas network to global change: the case of wintering waterbirds.
Lissette Victorero
was post-doctoral researcher (2018-2019), funded by labex BCDiv. Supervisors: S. Samadi (ISYEB MNHN), B Leroy (BOREA MNHN) and Maud Mouchet (CoMaC group). Paris, France. Research project: Biogeography of the deep environments of the Indian and Pacific Oceans using historical biodiversity data from the Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos Programme.
Benjamin Yguel
completed his postdoctoral research in our group (2017). He was funded by Labex BCDiv. Supervisors: C Fontaine (CoMaC group), P-M Forget (MECADEV Brunoy). Research subject: Effect of silvicultural exploitation on the regeneration of tropical forests.